College Heroes
Just a quick Thanksgiving hello to everyone. Today was a glorious day of feasting and napping, and through it all, I remembered what I am thankful for - family and friends.
Also, the day wouldn't be complete without acknowledging how thankful I am for the brave men and women of our Armed Forces who are on the front lines, protecting us so we can be safe and free. God Bless all of you. You are our heroes.
This probably comes as no suprise to anyone who reads this site, but college liberals have no sense of humor. Take a look at this excerpt from a letter to the editor of the Daily Bruin.
Of course, the rest of the letter goes on to call the anti-protesters racists (can we just change the definition of racist to mean "anyone who disagrees with a liberal?"). I wish I knew who those guys were. I'd congratulate them and send them something.
Political Correctness
This is an example of where the stupidity of Political Correctness is leading us.
Good Christ. As someone who has worked on computers, not once did I ever think of plantation slavery when I was setting the jumpers on my master and slave drives. Have we become such a dickless, thin-skinned society? I could understand it if the instructions said "oh lawdy, make sure you remembah ta set da jumpah on da white pins for da Mastah and da black pins for da slave."
And while I'm on the jasminelive subject, why does Los Angeles even have an Office of Affirmative Action Compliance? If I was a property owner in that godforsaken shithole and the idiot politicians came begging for another property tax increase, I'd shit twice and die. If they have enough money to fund an Office of Affirmative Action Compliance then they have too much fucking tax money already.
I read shit like this and I begin to wonder if we really have the sack necessary to win the war on terror.
Turkey Day Is Coming
Thanksgiving. Turkey Day. It is a time for remembering old family and friends, and being thankful for the blessings God has shed upon us as a people and a nation.
It is also the time the PETA whackos crawl out from under their rocks. Just for a laugh, I cruised the net looking for some animal rights sites regarding turkeys. I wasn't disappointed.
Wow. I always thought the only thing a good turkey needed was mashed potatoes and stuffing. People, they're FUCKING TURKEYS! Their only emotions are where is the food, and which turkey can I drill to make more turkeys. Their life isn't all that complicated.
So please, strike a blow for common sense and eat a turkey on Thanksgiving. As for their needs, remember this: they need to be properly cooked and served with all the fixins.
Democrats Whine (as usual) Over Ad
The Donks have their collective panties in a bunch over the latest TV ad by the Republican Party.
Democrats took issue? I guess they didn't hear the news that their front runner, Howard Dean, was just endorsed by NY Times Cartoonist Ted Rall. In fact, according to reports, Dean supporters were thrilled to have Rall come out and publically endorse their candidate.
Of course, the liberal Rall has been very consistent with his view on the war and our troops.
At every turn, the Democrats have placed their ambition to return to power over the war and over the security of the American people. They have fought the President at every turn. They care more about the condition of the terrorists being held at Gitmo than they care about the safety of the country.
Now they are demanding that their lack of support in the war be a forbidden campaign topic? Fuck 'em. The war on terror is THE most important issue of the election. They can cry all they want, but they have spent the last two years on the wrong side of the issue.
Now they can pay for it.
Return Of The Turd
Once flushed, some things should remain flushed. The Sci Fi Channel is going to air a "reinvention" of Glen Larson's 70's turd Battlestar Galactica. Why? Who the hell knows? The original sucked ass. Major ass.
Don't get me wrong, I dig science fiction. But, I remember Battlestar Galactica. Fresh off the success of Star Wars, Glen Larson took a great premise, in a time when network television NEVER did science fiction, and fucked it up in every way possible. Examples?
Boxie. Nothing can ruin a show faster than a worthless kid who never follws rules and who always puts everyone in harms way. In a survival situation, someone would have fragged his whiny ass
Boxie's Mechanical Oversized Rat. To this day I get the chills whenever I see those stupid Japanese computer dogs. The writer who came up with this "cute" jasmin live storyline should have been drawn and quartered.
Commander Adama. Yep, there is nothing worse than the HNIC (Head Nimcompoop In Charge) running around like the village idiot while everyone below him in the chain of command consistently ignores his orders and runs off to do their own thing.
Starbuck: They've taken the best part of the old show (dashing, womanizing, gambling, hot-shot pilot) and changed it. Now Starbuck is a dashing, womanizing, gambling, hot-shot lesbian pilot. On second thought, this may be an improvement since Boomer has changed from a black man to an asian woman.
Speaking of blacks, since Colonel Tigh is now a white guy, where is Jesse Jackson? The two most visible black characters have been recast as non-black characters. Oh well, the Cylons will probably be dark-skinned. Maybe we can get Halle Berry to do a guest shot as the topless Cylon Queen.
Finally, if you're going to make a show where humanity is in a struggle to survive a war with an enemy that has just completed a devastating attack - an attack that has just put humans on the brink - then the response should be something a bit stronger than "run away!" That may play well in France, but goddammit, this is America.
The best way to "reinvent" Battlestar Galactica would to have Quinten Tarantino involved in the project. I can picture Samuel L. Jackson negotiating the final peace with the Cylon leader in a scene eerily similar to one from Pulp Fiction.
Ah, you get the idea.
There was a great science fiction show since the demise of Battlestar Galactica that was everything Galactica should have been. It was well written. The characters were complex and the chemistry between them was fantastic. The special effects were great, but were part of the background and not the attraction of the show. Sadly, it only lasted one season as well.
That show was Space: Above and Beyond.
If this reinvention can reach a level of quality half that of SAAB, then it will be worth watching. Considering how much the original sucked ass, I'm not getting my hopes up.