Tom McClintock

My man Tom McClintock kicked ass in the debate tonight. He showed he is the only one with the vision, and the character, to return the State of California back to a golden age. And, for the record, I'm getting sick of the pundits and reporters all asking McClintock when he is going to drop out of the race. He's the best candidate, and the only one who's poll numbers keep climbing.

Hell, even my Father-in Law thinks he's going to vote for him and he's never voted for a Republican in his life.

McClintock has a reputation for sticking to his word. There have been times when he has drawn criticism from those in his own party for not "being a team player" because he wouldn't back down from a stance he took publically. There is a word for that kind of behavior - leadership.

And leadership is what California needs now more than ever. Visit Tom McClintock's website and get involved.

Oh, and the best part of the debate was when Cruz Bustamante talked about how acceptance of diversity is needed to bring us to a colorless society. This from a racist who attended an exclusive hispanic-only graduation at Fresno State University.
